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Legal infos


Aude Desanges
117 rue de Nexon 87000 Limoges
+33 (0)5 55 37 25 25


Qomino S.A.S.
09 54 24 04 19


Pierre Brissonnet

Olivier Marty


Les Parfumables is a brand of the company 3e Degré.SAS whose head office is located at 117 rue de Nexon 87000 Limoges.

Status: SAS with capital of €50,288

SIRET : 35295409300048

TVA : FR09352954093

Contact : +33 (0)5 55 37 25 25


LES PARFUMABLES will securely store the email addresses received via this website and will not pass them in any manner to any third party. No use shall be made of these addresses, except occasionally in order to share information, such as a response to a contact request raised through the website, an invitation to legal conferences, etc.

In accordance with the French Data Privacy law of January 6, 1978 (as modified by the laws of August 6, 2004), persons visiting the website may request that the nominative data thus collected pertaining to them be completed, clarified or erased. To do so, an express e-mail request to this effect shall be sent to LES PARFUMABLES, at, indicating first name, last name and email address.


The website and its content (its architecture, wording, photos, illustrations, etc.) are the sole ownership of LES PARFUMABLES or its partners.

All rights are reserved. As a consequence of, and in accordance with, Article L 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any and all representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation or modification, regardless of the medium and by whatever means, is strictly forbidden unless as otherwise previously and expressly authorized in writing by LES PARFUMABLES. Failure to comply with such obligation may lead to legal action.


No right to create any hypertext link to this website is granted, unless as previously and expressly authorized in writing by LES PARFUMABLES.


While navigating on this website, the visitor acknowledges and accepts the existence of cookies the sole aim of which is to collect non-personal statistical data for tracking the visits to the website and improving the quality of the website.


LES PARFUMABLES, its partners, directors, and associates shall not be held liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in the website.

LES PARFUMABLES shall make its most reasonable efforts to ensure that the information available on the website is accurate and up to date. Yet, LES PARFUMABLES cannot be held liable for any damage of any nature caused by a connection to the website or by any erroneous information.